Our first open day on Saturday 01.07.2023 was a great success. About 100 people were able to see for themselves how the process from grain to finished bread works.
From 2 p.m. onwards, our customers could watch how we bake the bread in our wood-fired oven. At the same time, we explained what sourdough bread made from old wheat varieties is, what advantages fresh flour from a stone mill has, what temperature we bake at and how long the process takes.
Afterwards, people could buy freshly baked bread, find out which varieties we use to bake which bread, and taste bread and brioche made with sourdough.

Our grain store with our stone mill could also be visited, with the cleaning and preparation machines. Most people were not aware of how much technology and effort is necessary before clean flour is produced from grains. The dehusking machine and the mill, which were in operation, aroused a lot of interest.

The last thing to visit was our fields, where we cultivated 4 ha with our 2 oldest wheat varieties. Einkorn has been cultivated for about 8000 years, and Wildemmer originated 17000 years ago and was cultivated by us. These 2 varieties have very well-balanced ingredients, as they are very close to nature and have not been brought out of their natural balance by one-sided breeding for yield and machine suitability.
Around 8 pm, the last customers who had received comprehensive explanations about the cultivated wheat varieties left us.
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