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Brioche (12€/piece)

Our brioche is made with the following ingredients: wheat flour, sourdough, raw cane sugar, butter and eggs. A long fermentation time with sourdough (18 hours) results in better digestibility and the glycemic value decreases because the simple sugars are consumed and converted. When consumed, there is no excess gastric acid.

Oatmeal (4€/kg) (without pre-order)

Oats contain vitamins B1, B2, B6 + E as well as many minerals and trace elements:

  • iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium
  • copper, zinc, manganese, selenium

Thanks to avenanthramide oats are:

  • anti-inflammatory
  • antioxidant
  • anti-itch

and contains beta-glucans (multiple sugars), these:

  • protect the stomach and intestines
  • regulate cholesterol and blood sugar
  • protect the arteries from calcification
  • regulate blood pressure

Oats contain very little sugar and a lot of fibre.

In order for rolled oats to develop their potential, they must be soaked for at least 6 hours, because like all cereals, they contain phytic acid which binds the minerals iron, zinc, calcium and magnesium which, at the dry state, are not absorbed by our digestive system.

Soaking activates the enzyme phytase, which makes the minerals available for human digestion.

The enzyme works best in an acidic environment, soaking with a little citric acid or sourdough is recommended.

If the rolled oats are heat-treated or if they are too old, the enzymes are no longer active and the substances are therefore no longer available. Heat treatment also leads to the loss of the amino acid lysine, which prevents, for example, herpes.

That’s why our rolled oats are always fresh, prepared weekly. They are not heat treated and thus retain all their vitamins, nutrients and enzymes.

The shelf life of vitamins and enzymes is about a month.

N.B: Oatmeal can be picked up without pre-order.

Honey (10€) (without pre-order)

Our honey is collected by our bees in an overgrown area on the Moselle.

The beehives are managed as extensively as possible, we limit our honey harvest to around 20 kg per beehive, and the bees keep the excess as food for the winter. This allows us to feed only a third of the usual sugar syrup for the winter.

We let our bees swarm as nature intended and have only treated them once a year with formic acid against Varroa for years. Since there are no fields in the vicinity, we have no problems with pesticides and almost no colony losses.

We make spring honey in May, the bees mainly visit bushes, cherry trees, apple trees, and meadow flowers in spring, and a very light, fruity honey is produced.

The summer honey is harvested in July, it is darker and stronger in taste, and summer flowers, blackberry bushes, and various herbs are visited.

N.B: Honey can be picked up without pre-order.

Unser Gemüsesamen

Samenechtes Saatgut aus unserem Garten, an unser Klima und Bodenverhältnisse angepasst. Portionsgerecht verpackt in einem praktischen verschliessbaren Tütchen auf Bestellung.